Wednesday, May 22, 2013

homeward bound

Winding up my latest stay in North Carolina and getting ready to head back to my dogs, what's left of my garden, and - oh yeah - I think I may have left a husband back there in Noo Yawk.  We watched back to back episodes of Long Island Medium yesterday to prepare for my re-entry to Lawn Guyland.  It takes me about a day before I want to punch someone out in the local Stop-and-Shop.  I always miss the uber-polite Southern supermarket baggers who say,"Y'all want me to put the sacks in the buggy, ma'am??"

Sigh...I could so get used to people being nice to me.

Will try to get the latest piece listed on Etsy.


  1. Wonderful pieces, alls! I can see you're having fun and you're definitely on a roll. Do you sell your pieces in person or strictly Etsy? what a great rusty background for your shots. The last piece reminds me of some of the fossil ivory artifacts I recently acquired.

    1. Thanks Kim! I do sometimes let friends of friends come over to my house and do a little trunk show for them and sell stuff that way. I did a lot of that before the holidays last year and will probably do it in a more formal way this year. How about you? Looking forward to seeing what you do with the fossil ivory - it must have a great vibe.


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