Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Procrastination is an art form

Altoid tin love mojo - open

Is the degree of creativity inversely proportional to the neatness of the workspace?  Does dark, fecund, primeval chaos provide the ideal breeding ground for artistic expression or does it just attract bugs?  Does she really want to sell more of her stuff and avoid going back to a nine-to-five desk job designing  accounting spreadsheets, or does she just want to wear everything she's ever made and listen to people say, "Ooooooo"? What, oh what is her problem???

Stay tuned folks ...

Altoid tin love mojo - closed

In the meantime, following my classic avoidance pattern, may I present to you pictures of some past episodes of "Maggie Zee's Short Attention Span Theater":

"Root"; hand quilted, cotton hand-dyed fabric, the shaman's journeys into the three worlds


  1. I can't wait to find out where the plot leads...
    both pieces are beautiful. The shaman's journey has captured my imagination...

  2. Hey, this sounds a little like my story... minus the accounting job though. No one would be happy if I did that for them.
    Looking forward to hearing the next chapter!

  3. "Root" is amazing..........I love your jewelry
    but hope to see more of your fabric work.

  4. Matt Flynn July 17,2014
    Beautiful quilt!! Glad to see you still do quilting and have expanded to jewelry!!

    1. Good Lord - Matt Flynn! How did you ever find me and how the heck are you and your family? Thinking about Bernie and Mr. Baby not too long ago.


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